
HI! Welcome to my webpage. I am happy that you are here. Now, you're probably wondering who I am, and what it is that I do.

My name is Terri, and I am a deaf-disabled online wellness mentor. I help people of all abilities with their health and wellness goals. You can learn about this in the Work with Me section of this webpage.

On a personal note, I am from Manitoba, Canada. I was born into a hearing family and raised oral in hearing schools. As an adult, I took upon myself to learn American Sign Language. Besides my mentoring, I also work in a school division for the Inclusive Support Services, working with deaf and hard of hearing students. I also work with some amazing young adults who just happen to have Down Syndrome.

I have two fur babies, my dog Faith and my cat Gracie. I am a bereaved mom and widow. I am the Founder of the Winnipeg Walk to Remember and a board member of the Winnipeg Fibromyalgia Support through Manitoba Possible.

As you can see, I am a busy person, but my purpose in life is to help others. I throughly enjoy it. As someone with Fibromyalgia, it is my goal to eventually work from home, while still being able to help people on a regular basis.

Thank you for being a part of my journey.